Supercharge Your Business

Transform your business through our Central Okanagan business support programs – developed with the insights of more than 250 Okanagan companies.

Access 1-1 Business Support

At the COEDC, we’re committed to spurring economic growth in the Central Okanagan. As a regional business support leader, our business development experts work with you to better understand your challenges and find custom solutions that help you flourish.

As an entrepreneur in the Central Okanagan, working with the COEDC means more strategic connections with potential partners, customers and support organizations.

Help Build the Okanagan Workforce

Are you a business owner with an established network and a passion for giving back?

Through the COEDC Connector Program, you can leverage your network and business insights to help newcomers find their place in the Central Okanagan. As a connector, you will also gain access to a pool of emerging talent in our region.

The Pulse of Our Community

We’re dedicated to giving small businesses a voice.

Every October during Small Business Month, our Business Walk gathers partners from local municipalities, support organizations and entrepreneurs to listen to our small business owners. This invaluable information is shared with the public and informs our year-round business support action plans.

Agriculture & Agri-Tourism Support

The Okanagan Valley is a major centre for agriculture production and innovation in British Columbia and Canada.

Okanagan farmers use innovative technologies and processes to increase production while preserving the environment, export products globally and align with the tourism sector to add new revenue streams to their operations.

The COEDC offers farm operators, aspiring farm operators and agriculture businesses one-on-one expertise and support.

Contact for more information.


Mitacs is a national, not for profit organization that has designed and delivered research and training programs in Canada for 15 years. Working with 60 universities, thousands of companies, and both federal and provincial governments, they build partnerships that support industrial and social innovation in Canada.

Through Mitacs’ Accelerate program, companies can solve their business challenges with research expertise, matching funds, and one to one support. Graduate students and post doctoral fellows from over 50 universities are able to apply their specialized expertise to help business take on research challenges. Internships start at four months and can scale up based on business needs.

Each 4 month internship project receives $7,500 in direct funding from Mitacs, with companies matching the organization’s contribution.


Your Personalized Business Support

Want to learn more about our business walks, one-on-one business support and programs to help you grow your business? Reach out to our team of business development professionals today.